Ivy-League Professor/
W. Slayton
“As a US Fulbright Scholar to Asia in the early eighties, Slayton completed a Masters in Asian Studies at the University of the Philippines. His Master’s thesis: ‘Causes and Solutions to Poverty in East Asia’ was published and quoted widely. In 1990 he graduated from Harvard Business School, where he received an M.B.A. with honors. ”

Harvard Business School has written a number of case studies on Mr. Slayton’s work in Silicon Valley. Po Bronson, in his best-selling “Nudist on the Night Shift” devoted a chapter to Mr. Slayton’s business style which “takes gung-ho to a whole new level.” The Wall Street Journal entitled a feature article on Mr. Slayton’s management successes “Silicon Valley Hybrid: A Boss Who Makes Others’ Ideas Pay Off.” And Time magazine put Mr. Slayton on the cover of its “GetRich.com: Inside the Secrets of the New Silicon Valley” issue.

Distinguished Visiting Professor
The Honorable Gregory Winston Slayton is a former US Chief of Mission (aka US Ambassador), successful Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist, best-selling author and high tech CEO…who also loves teaching at the US’ and China’s top universities. Over the past five years he has been a Distinguished Visiting Professor, Adjunct Professor and/or Lecturing Professor at Harvard, Stanford, Dartmouth, Beida (Peking University), UIBE (Beijing) and Szechuan University (Chengdu). He primarily teaches at the graduate business school level and specializes in Entrepreneurial Management, Becoming a Global Manager, Leadership and Management, and Management of High Growth Companies.
Mr. Slayton’s love for China stems from the fact that he was abandoned by his father – and quasi-adopted by a Chinese/American family. He and his Chinese brother first visited China in 1983 – and he now devotes 10% of his time to teaching at prestigious universities in China.
Before becoming the United States’ Chief of Mission to Bermuda, Mr. Slayton was the Managing Director of Slayton Capital, a private venture capital firm with offices in Northern Virginia and Silicon Valley which he restarted upon his return from Bermuda (www.SlaytonCapital.com).
Mr. Slayton served on the Board of Advisors of Google, Salesforce.com and Oakley Networks. Prior to forming Slayton Capital, Mr. Slayton turned around, as CEO, of a number high tech companies including Paragraph International and MySoftware. Mr. Slayton also served in senior executive roles in a number of Fortune 200 companies, including Paramount Studios – and with McKinsey and Company in Europe, South America and North America.
Harvard Business School has written a number of case studies on Mr. Slayton’s work in Silicon Valley. Po Bronson, in his best-selling “Nudist on the Night Shift” devoted a chapter to Mr. Slayton’s business style which “takes gung-ho to a whole new level.” The Wall Street Journal entitled a feature article on Mr. Slayton’s management successes “Silicon Valley Hybrid: A Boss Who Makes Others’ Ideas Pay Off.” And Time magazine put Mr. Slayton on the cover of its “GetRich.com: Inside the Secrets of the New Silicon Valley” issue. Mr. Slayton is also a best-selling author: please see www.FourCenturiesOfFriendship.org and www.BeABetterDadToday.com
For most of his twenties, Mr. Slayton lived and worked throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America managing micro-credit, clean water generation and economic development programs for the poor. As a Fulbright Scholar he completed a Masters in Asian Studies with honors. His published Masters thesis focused on structural causes of – and solutions to – poverty in Asia. Today he remains active in international economic development via the Slayton Family Foundation and speaks four languages in addition to English.
Mr. Slayton graduated magna cum laude with a degree in international economics from Dartmouth College in 1981. He was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to Asia in 1982 and completed his Masters in Asian Studies, with honors, in 1984. His Master’s Thesis: “Causes and Solutions to Poverty in East Asia” was published and quoted widely. In 1990 he graduated from Harvard Business School, where he received an M.B.A. with honors.
Mr. Slayton also speaks and lectures around the world on subjects such as
“What’s Next for US/China Relations?” (Keynote Speech at the SUNY Global Institute in NYC October, 2013)
“Successful Leadership on the Business Front and the Home Front” (Keynote Address at Singapore Conference on Successful Fatherhood, May 2013)
“The Future of the Venture Capital and Private Equity Industries” (Keynote Speech at the US Chamber of Commerce in Beijing event, June 2013)
the honorable gregory w. slayton’s contribution
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